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Event Class
Class Info
Entry Price
(Per individual)
(Per individual)
Affiliated To
Junior Membership (under 18 on 1.1.25)
No date set
This membership is with Atherstone and District Riding and is not affiliated to British Riding Clubs. We ask that members using this membership have their own 3rd party insurance. PLEASE COMPLETE MEMBERSHIP FORM IN THE DOCUMENTS SECTION AND EMAIL TO atherstonerc@gmail.com
This membership is with Atherstone and District Riding and is not affiliated to British Riding Clubs. We ask that members using this membership have their own 3rd party insurance. PLEASE COMPLETE MEMBERSHIP FORM IN THE DOCUMENTS SECTION AND EMAIL TO atherstonerc@gmail.com
Senior Membership
No date set
This membership is with Atherstone and District Riding and is not affiliated to British Riding Clubs. We ask that members using this membership have their own 3rd party insurance. PLEASE COMPLETE MEMBERRSHIP FORM IN THE DOCUMENTS SECTION AND EMAIL TO atherstonerc@gmail.com
This membership is with Atherstone and District Riding and is not affiliated to British Riding Clubs. We ask that members using this membership have their own 3rd party insurance. PLEASE COMPLETE MEMBERRSHIP FORM IN THE DOCUMENTS SECTION AND EMAIL TO atherstonerc@gmail.com