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Event Class
Class Info
Entry Price
(Per individual)
(Per individual)
Affiliated To
1 Single Membership (Juniors and Seniors)
No date set
This is a membership for 1 Rider and their horse/horses. Please list your horses in the class notes along with breed, height, age and if they are ROR or lead rein and any other important info. Please also include if the rider/member is a Junior (under 18) or Senior (18 years +)
This is a membership for 1 Rider and their horse/horses. Please list your horses in the class notes along with breed, height, age and if they are ROR or lead rein and any other important info. Please also include if the rider/member is a Junior (under 18) or Senior (18 years +)
2 Family Membership (for 4 Family Members and can be made up of a mix of Junior and Senior riders)
No date set
Please list all 4 competitors in the comments along with their horses name, age, breed, height as well as if they are lead rein or ROR or any other important information. Please also state if the riders are Junior (under 18) or senior riders (18+)
Please list all 4 competitors in the comments along with their horses name, age, breed, height as well as if they are lead rein or ROR or any other important information. Please also state if the riders are Junior (under 18) or senior riders (18+)