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Event Class
Class Info
Entry Price
(Per individual)
(Per individual)
Affiliated To
1 Starter - 70cm
Fences not exceeding 70cm. Speed SJ. 325mpm. XC.350mpm.
Fences not exceeding 70cm. Speed SJ. 325mpm. XC.350mpm.
2 Pre Intro - 80cm
Fences not exceeding 80cm. Speed SJ. 325mpm. XC.350mpm.
Fences not exceeding 80cm. Speed SJ. 325mpm. XC.350mpm.
3 Intro - 90cm
Fences not exceeding 90cm.Speed S.J.325mpm.X.C.350mpm.
Fences not exceeding 90cm.Speed S.J.325mpm.X.C.350mpm.
4 Pre-Novice - 1m
Fences not exceeding 1m.Speed S.J.325mpm.X.C.375mpm.
Fences not exceeding 1m.Speed S.J.325mpm.X.C.375mpm.
5 Novice - 1.10m
Fences not exceeding 1.10mSpeed S.J.325mpm.X.C.400mpm.
Fences not exceeding 1.10mSpeed S.J.325mpm.X.C.400mpm.
6 Open Intermediate - 1.15m
Fences not exceeding 1.15mSpeed S.J.325mpm.X.C.400mpm.
Fences not exceeding 1.15mSpeed S.J.325mpm.X.C.400mpm.