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Event Class
Class Info
Entry Price
(Per individual)
(Per individual)
Affiliated To
Class 1 - 80 cm Pre Season Dressage & Show Jumping Preparation Clinic
There will be an hour of dressage training with Joe Roome in the sand school followed by an hour of show jump training with Jo Rimmer in the all weather rubber arena. There will be a short break between sessions to change tack.
There will be an hour of dressage training with Joe Roome in the sand school followed by an hour of show jump training with Jo Rimmer in the all weather rubber arena. There will be a short break between sessions to change tack.
Class 2 - 90 Cm - Pre Season Dressage & Show Jumping Preparation Clinic
There will be an hour of dressage training with Joe Roome in the sand school followed by an hour of show jump training with Jo Rimmer in the all weather rubber arena. There will be a short break between sessions to change tack.
There will be an hour of dressage training with Joe Roome in the sand school followed by an hour of show jump training with Jo Rimmer in the all weather rubber arena. There will be a short break between sessions to change tack.
Class 3 - 100cms- Pre season Dressage & Show Jumping Preparation Clinic
There will be an hour of dressage training with Joe Roome in the sand school followed by an hour of show jump training with Jo Rimmer in the all weather rubber arena. There will be a short break between sessions to change tack.
There will be an hour of dressage training with Joe Roome in the sand school followed by an hour of show jump training with Jo Rimmer in the all weather rubber arena. There will be a short break between sessions to change tack.
Class 4 - Novice - Pre Season Dressage & Show Jumping Preparation Clinic
There will be an hour of dressage training with Joe Roome in the sand school followed by an hour of show jump training with Jo Rimmer in the all weather rubber arena. There will be a short break between sessions to change tack.
There will be an hour of dressage training with Joe Roome in the sand school followed by an hour of show jump training with Jo Rimmer in the all weather rubber arena. There will be a short break between sessions to change tack.
Class 5 Flat only with Joe Roome