A fixed booking fee of
will be applied to your basket.
You are eligible for
discount if you make
entries for this event in one basket.
Event Class
Class Info
Entry Price
(Per individual)
(Per individual)
Affiliated To
Class 1 - 50cm Individual
If entering as part of a team please add in notes which team name you are riding in and the team members.
If entering as part of a team please add in notes which team name you are riding in and the team members.
Class 11 - 40cm - Horse and Hound INDOORS
Ride your pony round the course and then jump round yourself with your dog. Please add the name of your dog in the notes.
Ride your pony round the course and then jump round yourself with your dog. Please add the name of your dog in the notes.
Class 2 - 60cm Individual
If entering as part of a team please add in notes which team name you are riding in and the team members.
If entering as part of a team please add in notes which team name you are riding in and the team members.
Class 3 - 70cm Individual
If entering as part of a team please add in notes which team name you are riding in and the team members.
If entering as part of a team please add in notes which team name you are riding in and the team members.
Class 4 - 80cm Individual
If entering as part of a team please add in notes which team name you are riding in and the team members.
If entering as part of a team please add in notes which team name you are riding in and the team members.
Class 5 - 90cm Individual
If entering as part of a team please add in notes which team name you are riding in and the team members.
If entering as part of a team please add in notes which team name you are riding in and the team members.
Class 6 - 100cm - Individual
If entering as part of a team please add in notes which team name you are riding in and the team members.
If entering as part of a team please add in notes which team name you are riding in and the team members.
Class 7 - Poles on the Ground (maybe led) INDOORS
Class 8 - 30cm - (may be led) INDOORS
Class 9 - 40cm (assisted) INDOORS
*CLASS 10 (40cm) Please note that if the rider and horse combination has placed 1st (individually) at this height on 2 occasions before they cannot do this class competitively. They can enter the class HC. Please note this in the notes section of the class entry. If entering as part of a team please add in notes which team name you are riding in and the team members.
*CLASS 10 (40cm) Please note that if the rider and horse combination has placed 1st (individually) at this height on 2 occasions before they cannot do this class competitively. They can enter the class HC. Please note this in the notes section of the class entry. If entering as part of a team please add in notes which team name you are riding in and the team members.