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A fixed booking fee of £1.50 will be applied to your basket.
You are eligible for 5.00% discount if you make 6 entries for this event in one basket.
Event Class
Class Info
Entry Price
(Per individual)
Affiliated To
10 am - 13 years and over
£20.00 Expand or collapse this item
10am - 7 to 12 years
£16.00 Expand or collapse this item
12 noon - 13 years and over
£20.00 Expand or collapse this item
12 noon - 7 to 12 years
£16.00 Expand or collapse this item
2pm - 13 years and Over
£20.00 Expand or collapse this item
2pm - 7 to 12 years
£16.00 Expand or collapse this item
4pm - 13 years and over
£20.00 Expand or collapse this item
4pm - 7 to 12 years
£16.00 Expand or collapse this item
6pm - 13 years and over
£20.00 Expand or collapse this item
6pm - 7 to 12 years
£16.00 Expand or collapse this item
Stanners Farm Rustic Ride
Hunter Trial/Cross Country
Thu 01 Aug 2024
Thu 01 Aug 2024
Online Entry
Thu 04 Jul 2024
Thu 01 Aug 2024
➡️ Rustic Ride is Open 7 Days a week. Currently 8am to last lot at 6pm- 2 Hours per booking. Payments are due as soon as you select and confirm your date. 
➡️ Please remember to bring water with you for your horses for drinking and washing purposes.
➡️ Upto Standard Skull Caps and Body Protectors must be worn if you intend to jump.
➡️ Please Keep to the designated areas.
➡️Riding Club , Pony Club and group bookings are welcome as always.
📢📣 RUSTIC RIDE is NOW OPEN.  inbox any enquiries. 
The ground is kept freshly topped and fences strimmed, we will be adding and changing fences over the course of the season.

Due to rising costs associated with running such a facility, booking costs are now £20 per teenager/adult and horse, and children between 7 and 12 years with pony £16 . Payment is due at time of booking, and should either party need to alter the booking it will be carried over to a future convenient date.

Our slots remain at 2 hourly intervals  to give you plenty of time to enjoy your time with us.📢📣 and yes you can go around the course more than once, we encourage people to have a walk around first. Group bookings welcome, and while the weather is good why not bring a picnic, but please take any rubbish home.

Fences from 30cm to 1m over 2.5 to 3miles. Excellent for fitness work.

Disclaimers will be in a box on the field please complete ok arrival and post in the post box 📦 

🌿🌾please do be considerate this course is around our land - which is all sown  so please keep to the designated track, do not walk into the crops to take photos etc, or short cuts.  Thank you, if you bring dogs with you they must be kept on the lead 🌿🌾

Our 20 x 60 arena is also available for hire at £10 per hour for upto 2 horses. inbox any enquiries.

We welcome club and group bookings - discount for the person making large group booking 6 +. 

Our loyalty scheme is also coming back this year, visit us 4 times and get a 5th booking free!!!!