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Event Class
Class Info
Entry Price
(Per individual)
(Per individual)
Affiliated To
Class 1 In Hand BEST TURNED OUT, Plaited or Coloured or Non M&M. 4 yrs & over.
Class 2 In Hand BEST CONDITION, Plaited or Coloured or Non M&M. 4 yrs & over.
Class 3 In Hand BEST TURNED OUT, Plaited or Coloured or Non M&M. Youngstock.
Class 4 In Hand BEST CONDITION, Plaited or Coloured or Non M&M. Youngstock.
Class 5 In Hand Rescue Pony/Horse. Any Age/Type/Height. Open to RSPCA/Private/other organisation Rescue Horses & Ponies. You will be asked about your Horse/Pony’s Rescue history in your individual show.
Class 6 In Hand Plaited Pony, ANY AGE, not exc 148cm. STARS POINTS CLASS.
Class 7 In Hand Plaited Horse, ANY AGE, exc 148cm. STARS POINTS CLASS.
Class 8 In Hand Critical/Rare/Foreign/Heavy Horse Breeds. Open to Arab, Freisian, American Quarter Horse, Falabella, Fjord, Haflinger, Dales, Cleveland Bay, etc. Breed to be stated on entry under “notes”.
Class 9 In Hand Thoroughbred/Ex Racer/Been Race Trained
Class 10 In Hand Veteran Horse or Pony aged 15 years or over. STARS POINTS CLASS.